Western Diamondback Rattlesnake (Crotalus atrox)


Family:                    Viperidae

Status:                     No special status.

Size:                        3 to 6 feet long, weight 1 to 2 lbs.

Diet:                        Carnivore.

Characteristics:        Solitary.

Area:                       Southwestern USA.

Offspring:                2 to 24.

Predators:               Hawks, skunks, other snakes.



·         Rattlesnakes shed their skin one to four times a year.

·         Rattlers hibernate during winter because they’re unable to digest food in cold weather.

·         The name comes from the diamond-shaped pattern along its back.

·         Most snakebites occur because people try to get too close and/or tease the snake.

·         The eastern diamondback of the southeastern U.S. is even larger than the western diamondback.

·         The western diamondback has lidless eyes that are protected by the outer skin.



The Diamondback is one of the largest rattlesnakes in the world and lives in the Southwest United States. When confronted or startled, the snake will coil and rattle its tail, producing a rhythmic nose similar to that of a baby’s rattle. Rattlesnakes mostly come out at night, and unless they’re provoked or threatened, don’t attack people. They have pits on the sides of their heads that work as heat sensors to help detect prey such as rodents, frogs, lizards and birds, even in complete darkness. The rattlesnakes’ hollow fangs lie folded up along the roof of its mouth when the mouth is closed, but swing down into place when needed. After biting its victim, the rattlesnake recoils and waits for the venom to go to work. Snakes shed their skin one to four times per year.



Diamondbacks live in warm climates—deserts, semi-desert grassland or rocky canyons, especially where rodents are abundant. A temperature range of 70°F and 95°F (21°C and 35°C) is preferred, because snakes cannot survive in temperatures lower than 65°F. During the winter months, several snakes will hibernate together for warmth. When not active, it spends its time in rocky crevices or in abandoned underground burrows. Snakes are not well liked due to public fear, but they’re actually an important link in the ecosystem (keeping rodent populations in control).



When the female is ready to mate, she initiates the act by releasing a scent. The male will follow the scent to the female and cuddle beside and on top of her, nudging her with his head. The male then inserts one fork of his double penis into the cloacae (chamber) of the female. The female produces eggs that stay in her body until she’s ready to give birth. Unlike many other snakes, the western diamondback gives birth to live offspring (usually to 4 to 12, sometime between August and October). The offspring measure from 6 to 8 inches are able to fend for themselves from birth, and are able to attack prey within minutes. Rattlesnakes reach maturity at age three, and some live as long as 25 years.